Horticultural Therapy as a Trauma Recovery Method for Housewives Post-Earthquake in West Selamat Village

In mid-2018, West Nusa Tenggara experienced consecutive earthquakes, which impacted almost all aspects of life, both physical, social and psychological. From a psychological aspect, earthquake survivors will experience mental health problems like anxiety, stress, depression and even trauma. Therefore, trauma healing activities as an effort to recover post-earthquake psychology need to be carried out not only for children but also for mothers. In October-December 2018, a community service program was implemented targeting earthquake survivors. The program applies a psychological therapy method using a horticultural approach. This activity was carried out in West Pemenang Village, which suffered quite severe damage compared to other areas in North Lombok. A series of activities were held, such as planting and processing of plant products as well as culinary exhibitions. Some mothers admitted that those activities could channel their frustration because they lost their livelihoods and jobs or did not have permanent housing due to the earthquake. In addition, horticultural therapy can encourage social persuasion to strengthen one’s self-confidence to achieve something. This activity has an indirect impact on recovering from trauma from the earthquake. Nevertheless, follow-up activities need to be considered so that these activities can provide opportunities to improve the community’s economy.
Telah dilaksanakan oleh:
Afifah Farida Jufri, Muhammad Sibawaihi, Martini Supiana, Dwi Noorma Putri
Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram, Mataram, Indonesia; Yayasan Pasirputih Pemenang, Lombok Utara, Indonesia.
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